
The ETC Fall Festival also features presentations and interactive experiences made by current 2nd-year students, working in 13 different Project Teams.


BGM SYNC — 2310

Unpredictable interactivity brings uncertainty to game experiences, leading to difficulties in designing a background music (BGM) system that synchronizes with the game system. Typical traditional AAA games do not reflect micro-emotions in their BGM synchronization systems because the smaller
granularity of background music synchronization poses musicality issues. To address these issues, we are establishing a two-way pipeline that harmonizes audio design and combat systems seamlessly to ensure both synchronization and musicality. We are also developing a UE5 plugin with a technical demo to showcase our vision and illustrate the pipeline structure.


picoCTF is a successful worldwide cyber security education platform with an annual capture the flag ‘hacking’ competition. picoCTF presents real-world cyber security concepts experienced in computer systems across multiple levels interwoven into a realistically motivating storyline in the game component. Participating students will learn how to identify and address security vulnerabilities
and perform real-world attacks.

PicoLock aims to create an interactive, web-based game designed to engage students with the learning objectives of picoCTF, focusing on cryptography. With a strong narrative and presentation, the game seeks to spark participants’ interest in cryptography. It features compelling and fun gameplay through concept challenges, which are crafted from the domain expertise of CMU faculty and the picoCTF team. This game is accessible within a web browser and supports Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.


This is an interactive project designed to capture the life, challenges, and enduring musical legacy of Mississippi John Hurt. This educational experience aims to shed light on the authentic narratives, the exploitation of his artistic contributions, and the enduring hardships faced by generations of African Americans in the Avalon, Mississippi region during his time. Our project will comprise an on-site installation, complemented by portable and educational components, offering a comprehensive exploration of this remarkable history.


Ailluminate is an ETC project that is producing animation with the aid of AI. The purpose of the project is to integrate AI generative tools into the traditional 3D animation studio pipeline and explore the pros and cons of using AI tools. The team will isolate and test three different approaches to using AI,
creating two versions of a film about the creation myth of Pangu, each in a different style. Along the way they will document the process at each stage of development.

INTENT — 2420

INTENT, short for “Interactive Tool for Empathy in Neurotypicals,” is a project to foster better understanding and empathy among neurotypical individuals towards their autistic counterparts in the workplace. Developed through a collaborative effort between CMU, the University of Maryland, and the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, INTENT seeks to promote inclusive work environments by offering empathy training to neurotypical employees. The ETC team has produced an interactive web-based experience that complements information-based training modules in professional workplaces. Our ultimate goal is to transform attitudes and behaviors to foster inclusivity and respect.


XPRESSO — 3204

XpressO, an ETC student team, crafts an immersive, innovative game, Corpse Party, stemming from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Assume Igor’s role, aiding Dr. Frankenstein by pilfering graves for body parts to construct his Creature. Creativity rules—build a unique being. The catch? Is a head vital? Can the body have four arms? Satisfaction hinges on Dr. Frankenstein’s approval.


Team Xtension designs an immersive location-based experience using wearables and sensory augmentation, enhancing human abilities to navigate a virtual world. Participants venture into a future where Earth, abandoned due to environmental devastation, requires resource retrieval for transfer to Enceladus, humanity’s new home on Saturn’s moon. Piloting the ATLAS Pod, a hovering vehicle, guests explore Earth’s hazardous terrain. The experience integrates Arduino, PC, Nextiles Sleeves for arm movement input, Tactsuit haptic vest for feedback, and Kinect for gesture recognition.


Curtain Call, a team of five graduate students collaborating with Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama, crafted an immersive lobby experience for the run of the avant-garde play “Lear (2010).” This interactive installation at the Purnell
Center for the Arts delves into themes of guilt, creativity, and family, merging King Lear and Sesame Street. Through
directional speakers and kinetic set pieces, our creation simulates a “storm of voices,” evoking Shakespeare’s iconic
tempest. This audio/visual landscape enriches the show’s emotional depth while engulfing guests in the realm of Lear.


“Alice,” an open-source educational programming environment from Carnegie Mellon University, aims to enhance user
experiences by integrating advanced AI technology. We’re dedicated to expanding creative possibilities by offering a wide range of 3D assets and textures. Through generative AI, we provide users access to an extensive library of diverse 3D elements, empowering them to realize their visions for richer, more immersive experiences.


Cheat_Code delves into generative AI’s potential in game development, creating a playable game using available AI tools for enhanced productivity and immersive gameplay. The team will assess strengths, challenges, and best practices while exploring how generative AI could transform gaming experiences and development in the future.


Terratopia developed a VR game placing players in the role of a bottlenose dolphin, showcasing the significance of
mangrove ecosystems and addressing real environmental challenges these dolphins encounter. Upon completion,
players receive actionable steps to support ongoing efforts combating these issues in reality.


Fashion Next‘s mission is to address fashion industry waste by creating a digital interactive installation that transforms clothing consumption. Through captivating visual interpretation of sustainable clothes, we aim to raise awareness and inspire belief in sustainable shopping choices, forging a path toward a more responsible fashion future. Our project is not just about reducing waste; it’s about fostering a belief in the positive impact each person can make through their clothing choices. We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us as we strive to redefine fashion consumption and champion a more sustainable future for our planet.


Our project aims to leverage Augmented Reality and 3D printing technologies to create a precise and fluent tracking experience on smartphones, which can easily integrate with other intellectual properties (IPs). In this experience, players will use their phones to collaborate with miniature characters in various themed blocks and build the virtual environment.